Bren Haas Website

Micro-Blogging Tips

micro-blogging 101

Did you know that when you share on social media you are actually blogging?  In this post, I share a few tips on how to share what is important to you in a micro-blogging.

What is Micro-Blogging

The different ways you can save time and get your message out to the masses in a hurry is Micro-blogging.  Micro-blogging has come in hand for me as a gardener as we head into a busy season when I don’t always have time to write a traditional blog post.

Platforms for Micro-Blogging

Some of my favorite platforms to micro-blog on are listed below.  Please remember sharing on a micro-blog doesn’t mean disregard your official website blog.  I will share more on this topic later in the post.  Here are some of the latest options for micr0-blogging:

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Tumblr
  • SnapChat
  • Facebook
  • YouTube

Micro-Blogging VS Blogging Video

In the video below my friend, Pam and I chit-chat about your experience with this type of blogging.

This video is found on YouTube.  Be sure to check out my Bren Haas Channel.

Links in this Presentation 

  • Don’t try and do everything!  Pick one or two platforms that you enjoy and can build great content to get your message out there.
  • If you have a website or blog – be sure to attach your micro-blogging platform to it by adding links.
  • Keep it Simple – take a quick photo as it happens and share it online using micr0-blogging.
  • Always backup your photos – don’t keep them all on the micro-blogging platform.  Safe a copy from your phone onto a DVD or backup driver.
  • Make sure the photos you share are unique and good quality. Take the time to play with the apps with filters to help make the photo awesome!

2 Responses

  1. Thank you Bren. Am going to try this. Such good information for a rookie.

    1. Thanks for stopping by … and please let me know if I can help you with anything along the way with Micro-blogging!

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