Bren Haas Website

Search Results for: twitter

Twitter #gardenchat

Connect, share and grow with the trending Twitter event right here on the LIVE Twitter Stream below.  This page features the live-streaming shares from Host

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common thyme

Winter Herb Cultivating Chat

Herbs are one of my favorite plants to grow year-round. In this post, I will share highlights from my first-ever SPACES session on X (formerly Twitter). During the Thursday 2 o’clock #herbchat, I showcased my indoor herb garden, and I’ll provide tips and tricks to help you start your herb garden.

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Curly Spider Plant named Bonnie

Curly Spider Plant Chlorophytum Bonnie

Not only is this a compact houseplant it is perfect for most any home. The curly spider plant or Chlorophytum Bonnie is by far one of my favorite plants to enjoy year-round.  Check out fun growing tips and more from my personal experience.

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