
In this post learn how to easily create my famous Ham and Potato Soup.  This soup is perfect and easy to create on stovetop or in the pressure cooker.

Ham and Potato Soup Recipe

ham and potato soup on table

This has got to be the most heart soup I’ve had this season using spring vegetables and ham from Easter.  Yes, we are still working on the ham from Easter!  (laugh)  The best thing about this soup is it tastes amazing and you can use what you have on hand this time of year to create.  Be sure to chop the carrots and potatoes big for a delicious heaping bite after working in the garden all day.  I promise you will love this recipe so be sure to use the print option to take this to your kitchen to create today.

Download the recipe here: Ham and Potato Soup Recipe Card

I used my Electric Pressure Cooker to create this meal so I could leave it unattended while I worked in the Spring garden.  The recipe can be created on stovetop as well just follow the recipe above.  For Pressure Cooker or any other electric cooking alternative follow the manuals suggestions.

Bren Recommends

I recommend the Electric Power Pressure Cooker XL.  I have been using this in my home kitchen since 2016.  Everything has turned out perfect using this product. I would appreciate it if you used my amazon link here so I get credit for your purchase.  YOU CAN THANK ME LATER!

In The Kitchen

I am all about sharing what is going on in the home and garden via photos.  This is what the soup looked like just before I gave it the last stir and started the Electric Pressure Cooker Up to cook.

herbs in pot

When using dry herbs I feel more is needed to get the actual flavor.   The soup gets a buttery oil on top of the liquid when cooking in the pressure cooker.  You won’t get this on stovetop cooking.

In The Garden

I cute fresh chive right outside the kitchen patio for this recipe.  The Chive you can grow in most containers or landscapes have been ready to harvest since a week before Easter this Spring.  I recommend starting some in your landscape closest to your kitchen entry.   To harvest you just cut and it will grow back.

cut chives for soup

Tulips are also in bloom this time of year.  Since I didn’t have a photo of the chive plant today I share my table decor for this meal.  Be sure to plant planting of tulip bulbs in the Autumn so you have plenty to cut and bring into enjoy.

handful of tulips

Happy Spring Everyone!

Let’s Connect

I would love to hear about your favorite ways to use ham in meal planning.  Be sure to comment on this post or reach out to me on my contact page featured on this website.

Happy Ham and Potato Soup Making,

Bren Haas

2 responses to “Ham and Potato Soup Recipe”

  1. I had no idea they do that. We don’t have a Honey Baked Ham company near us anymore – sad to say. Thank you for sharing this with me. I like using the bone from my Easter ham. If I don’t have time to make the soup right away I just freeze the bone with a little meat on it!

  2. If you like Honey Baked Hams, they sale the bones from making sandwiches- cheaper than buying it by the pound. The bones have a good amount of ham on them.

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Bren Haas
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