In this post I share a video, images and my personal thoughts on the Golden Sunking Sunflower. I am sure you will be shocked at how easy this heirloom sunflower was to grow.
Golden Sunking Sunflower Review
Despite a late start in my Ohio garden, this 5 foot tall plant ended up being a show stopper indeed. The video below shows how gorgeous the blooms on this plant are. Scroll down to see my personal growing tips and more.
If you are having issues viewing the content above please reach out to me on my website. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about this Golden Sunking Sunflower. This video is part of my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.
Golden Sunking Sunflower Details

The blooms are amazing and super cheerful on this 5 foot tall stalk. I started my plants the 2nd week of June as seed which is kind of late for sunflowers. The bloom is a double and I personally think a little heaving for arrangements. On a brighter note, the bloom doesn’t drop pollen when used as cut flower indoors. Not to mention it was super easy to grow without any additional watering this summer. The biggest issue you may have is the heavy heads of this bloom. Be sure to prune as each bloom expires to help the plant stand straight. Below is a list of details about this sunflower variety.
- 9–100 days to maturity
- Large Fringy Flowers with long life
- Tolerates heat and drought conditions once established
- Full Sun
- Pollinator Friendly Plant
- Double Blooms on each stalk
- Easy Care Plants
- Edible plant
- heirloom

Let’s Connect
After checking out this review on my blog, please consider trying some of these seeds in your home garden. I am excited to help you out and get you growing this season so don’t be afraid to reach out to me soon.
Happy Sunflower Gardening,
Thank you for checking out my post today!
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