
Rain day today so I am working indoors.  I found an envelope with some hand written notes I took years ago.  In this video I share a quick vlog with notes from the garden.

Notes From The Garden

My biggest surprise today was the fact that I could actually read my handwriting.  No joke,  the carpel tunnel and all the typing I do has basically make my hand writing look like chicken scratch.  The 3 little pieces of notes I found really made my day.  It was fun to do some research online and look up the trees, grasses and shrubs.  In The video below I share that adventure:

This video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  If you are having issues viewing or just want to connect hit this link to send me a message.

Notes From The Garden Highlights

I will be honest with you, most of the plants and trees on the list I already knew the names of.  I guess I was most excited to find a shrub and some of the grasses.  Shocked to see that some of the grasses were on the invasive list and yet I’ve not had a problem with that.  Below you will find the list of trees, shrubs and grasses that were on the notes.  I hope to add more details and images featuring them in the days to come.

  • Ginkgo Shangri la
  • Tri color beech ( red green leaf)
  • Dwarf Korean Lilac
  • Climbing Hydrangea
  • Miscanthus sinensis ‘Variegatus’
  • Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick ( corylus avellana ‘cortorta’)
  • Miscanthus sinensis ‘Punktchen
  • Imperata Cylindrica ‘Rubra’

As noted above, I look forward to sharing more about these plants in the days to come so please stay tuned.

Let’s Connect

After checking out my vlog and notes today I want to invite you to subscribe to my website.  If you are like me,  you will love seeing and hearing additional creative thoughts about these plants.  

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
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