With a little planning and the right ingredients, you can bring spring to life early indoors. In this post learn how you can brighten up the indoors by forcing bulbs indoors.
Forcing Bulbs Indoors
Video In the dome today check out how things are doing the first days of below-freezing temperatures outdoors. Everything is dying back outdoors in my garden while I enjoy the green in the dome. Today I am potting up some bulbs that have been in my garage refrigerator since last year! (crazy right?!)
Ideal Bulbs to Force
Below are a few of my favorite bulbs I’ve had success forcing indoors.
- Hyacinths
- Paperwhites
- Tulips
- Daffodils
- Amaryllis
Questions To Consider
Below are questions featured on the GardenChat Event. If you’d like to contribute a comment on this blog post, tweet in the section below or connect with me on my contact page featured on this site.
- Question 1: What is your favorite flower that you wish you could enjoy out of season? #gardenchat
- Question 2: Do you grow flowers that come from bulbs? What are some of your favorites? #gardenchat
- Question 3: Have you ever forced a bulb to bloom? Rate your experience (1 being worse / 10 being the best) #gardenchat
- Question 4: What flowers do you force indoors? #gardenchat
- Question 5: What type of medium do you plant your bulb in to force indoors? #gardenchat
- Question 6: Share a very important tip to be successful at forcing bulbs. #gardenchat
- Question 7: Have you ever failed at forcing bulbs indoors? Share what happen. #gardenchat
- Question 8: What do you do with the bulbs after they have bloomed indoors? #gardenchat
- Question 9: Do you have a favorite container to force bulbs indoors in? #gardenchat
- Question 10: What are your favorite places to find healthy and unique bulbs for forcing? #gardenchat
Let’s Connect
I am excited to hear more about your bulb gardening experience. Share with me by connecting on social media links provided here on my website.. Message are welcome over on my Contact Page
Happy Gardening,