It has been a super busy growing season. Let’s kick back and share about easy growing in the home garden on a GardenChat. In this post, I highlight some of my favorite things to grow the first year in the cut flower farm.
Late July Walk in the Cut Flower Garden
In the video below I feature what it is like to walk through my Flower Farm in the evening. You can hear the bugs, birds and of course Boo Kitty. Look close to see the different vegetables, roses, herbs and even weeds that are welcome to grow freely this time of year in my garden.
This video is found on my YouTube page at Bren Haas YouTube Channel
Highlights From Home Garden
Here are some of my favorite things to grow in this garden I like to call my Flower Farm. It has a few extras that only flower a short time and later produce vegetables. When you enter the flower farm area at the front gate be sure to grab a handful of snacking! The Candyland tomatoes have been my guest’s favorite to nibble on while walking about in the flowers. The photo below shows the flowers that hide the tomato plant making it a fun surprise once noticed.
The video, my Rebecca’s World Dahlia is featured a few times. This dahlia was left behind during the winter 2016-17 season and made it through to bloom all summer long. The photo of this dahlia is featured below. Feel free to share it on social media but be sure to mention @brenhaas.
Loads of Dahlias in the video because this is what I love to grow! After cutting a few of these be sure to check out my post about how to keep the flowers looking fresh featured on this site.
Let’s Connect
What was this season like for you in the home garden? I’d love to hear from you so be sure to comment on this website post. You are also invited to send me a detailed comment on my contact page. Don’t be shy… strike up the conversation on the social media links provided.
Happy Cut Flower Gardening to You,