
Growing your own vegetable garden can give you access to fresh produce right in your backyard.  today’s post I’m sharing a few key points about how vegetable gardening can have a few financial benefits.

Why Grow A Garden?

Bren Haas Garden in 2016

According to a report by the National Gardening Association, 54 percent of food gardeners said they grow produce to save money on food bills.  I don’t agree with this because some seeds and products can be expensive if you don’t have access to the latest products locally.  Thank goodness for Amazon shopping!   

Over the years the biggest benefit from growing your own is access to unique vegetables.

How Can Vegetable Gardening Have Financial Benefits?


A simple vegetable garden has the potential to save you hundreds of dollars, says the National Gardening Association (NGA). For example, if you were to buy lettuce at the grocery store, it could cost about $3 per head. On the other hand, if you were to use that $3 one time on a selection of lettuce seeds and grow your own you would get multiple harvests of lettuce throughout the growing season.  To be able to actually save money at this you must have the right seed and invest in products. If you don’t research how to garden before digging in – it will cost you more then just relying on the food system.

tray of plugs

The benefits of growing your own vegetable garden can include more than just healthier eating. If you are looking to save some money, planting a vegetable garden may be able to help you not only enjoy delicious, fresh produce, but also lower your food costs. Doesn’t that try of basil plugs look amazing? I just love looking at this but not practical or cost-efficient to grow that many basil seeds.  My point in sharing this is you need to do a little research in order to grow and save a few bucks.  I encourage you to grow because you CAN and Have fun! 

Let’s Connect

Do you grow vegetables in your home garden and experience the financial benefits?  I would love to hear about it so be sure to comment below on this post.  I am also on social media at @brenhaas so tag me other there.  I look forward to hearing about your gardening and cost-efficient endeavors in the garden.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

4 responses to “Does Vegetable Gardening Have a Financial Benefit?”

  1. As you know from many of my posts on DIY backyard farm, I am a huge advocate of saving $ by growing produce right in the yard.

    • I see that… your site is gone? bummer! I guess you are saving money by not blogging?

  2. I like to grow vegetables for more reason: 1. collecting their seeds, so if there is something bad happening (ex. natural disaster, war etc.) I could help out others with seeds and food. 2. I like ripe vegetables and fruits, and fresh spices. In the shop everything is green and small. 3. My vegetables does not contain chemicals. 4. I don’t like to waste seeds when I cook, so instead of trashing them, I drop them into a balcony pot, which is full with soil. After tgey grow, I plant out to tge garden. 5. Good to keep the body in shape with gardening work. 6. Some vegetable not avaiable in the shop, but avaiable as a seed, so I still can grow and eat it.

    • I love this Mona! Saving seeds is a huge part in saving money while gardening. It is important to note that you will want to invest in HEIRLOOM seeds so they are easy to save from each harvest. I don’t have a problem with the fresh produce being small and green in my area as long as you purchase what is in season. If you are growing from produce you buy at the market you must be purchasing organic heirloom varieties. And keeping the body in shape while gardening – I totally agree with you. I garden on over 5 acres and it is a lot of work. I am always feeling good after early summer planting and late harvest. THANK YOU so much for sharing all you did. I hope you are doing well and will stop back again to check out my site.

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Bren Haas
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