
I woke up on this Bloom Day in February to discover that my heater had shut off overnight in the greenhouse. Outside, the temperature was a brisk 2°F, and the greenhouse measured just 25°F when I got up at 7 am. Fortunately, there’s no major damage to report so far. Unfortunately, the new basil starters that were struggling have received their final frost. I’ve learned not to start new basil seeds until later in the year, as they thrive in the warmth of the sun. This experience has been quite enlightening. I’ve realized that I should consider a more reliable thermometer with an alarm to alert me when the temperature enters the ‘danger’ zone in the greenhouse. Everything was normal when I went to bed, with the temperature at 45°F. (more about freezing temperatures in the greenhouse on my blog) 

In today’s post, I’m excited to showcase some photos from my inaugural visit to the Great Big Cleveland Home and Garden Show. My niece and I thoroughly enjoyed exploring the exhibits. It was one of the first events I captured with my Nikon camera. The lighting in these indoor shows can be incredibly bright.

Bloom Day from The Great Big Cleveland Home & Garden Show

orchid sale

I am going to share these wonderful orchids that were on display in Cleveland yesterday from the Master Gardeners Club out of Cuyahoga County / Ohio.   The lighting was difficult to work with at the show to take images of the blooms.  I don’t think my images capture their true beauty due to the indoor lighting.  The show was magnificently lite for the landscape design.

Highlights From The Cleveland Home And Garden Show

It was a fun show with a mix of home and garden.  I will say however that grills and outside landscape must be the hot topic in this area.

The video above is from images taken at the Cleveland Big Home and Garden Show 2010

Tips When Attending Cleveland Home and Garden Show

If you are attending an event similar to the one described in this post, make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes as these events are typically held in concrete event halls. It’s a good idea to bring along some snacks and spare batteries for your camera. We were too engrossed in exploring the various home and garden items on display that we didn’t have time for lunch. Luckily, we discovered a delightful Mexican restaurant nearby where we could enjoy a meal after the event.

Fresh Flower Displays

Let’s Connect

Have you been to a Home and Garden Show? I would love to hear from you so please be sure to reach out to me on my website.  You can also visit my contact page on my website to leave a detailed message.

Happy Bloom Day,

Bren Haas

7 responses to “The Great Big Cleveland Home and Garden Show”

  1. Bren,
    I’ve already bookmarked you! My greenhouse is 12’x 15′. It was built by breaking through the outer wall of my living room and a door to the greenhouse was made there. There is a door to the outside at the other end. I have a continuous feed (fertilizer injection) irrigation system (?) with drip tubes spaced every (?) 2 1/2′ which I can set to water on a schedule. I have MS and retired in “94. We built the greenhouse in ’95 so that I would never have to worry about watering my plants if I was unable to do so.. I also needed additional growing space in my house.
    My heating system is a built-in system (gas). I have an evaporative cooler for the summer. It faces East/North/West.
    I also had a major disaster in 2004. I lost heat for 4 days when it was 14° outside. At that time I kept a few frogs in the greenhouse for slugs.Needless to say, I lost a lot of plants. This time I lost heirloom plants, 25-year-old plants, specimen plants. I was so upset I couldn’t get myself to go to the greenhouse for six weeks.
    I use the greenhouse to grow orchids/tropicals/ornamentals
    Nice to meet you :).

  2. Great to meet you Ellen! I have a water line that connects to the greenhouse but we do not use it during the winter. My house is 10’x12′ and about 50 yards from a water source that is functional year round. I make it a habit to carry a 5 gallon bucket of water to the house each day. I also have a huge rain barrel that sits on my greenhouse that is filled. That barrel helps hold heat in the greenhouse and I can use if for watering if the 5 gallon bucket isn’t enough.

    I do have an alarm system in my greenhouse that connects to my office this year. I would STRONGLY recommend that if you don’t have a back up heat source you can rely on. ALL THE THINGS we learn by living right? I can’t tell you how excited I am to meet another gardener who grows in a greenhouse! Please book mark it so you can join in the greenhouse growing networking fun!

  3. Your greenhouse disaster hit home for me. I lost the heat in my greenhouse last Februaryc too, and by the time I noticed it, a pipe had burst. That meant several days without water and heat. For me it was heart wrenching because of many of the plants that I lost. I never did put in an alarm system like I should have. I still don’t have one. Do you have one set up?

  4. Loved your orchid photos from the show. All those jewel tones are yummy! I, too, struggled with lighting issues when photographing the show in Seattle a couple weeks ago. Everything seemed so dark! Of course operator error might have been part of the reason….

    Christine in Alaska

  5. Ahh, did you do something to fix this, Bren? I had tried unsuccessfully to comment when you first posted this…I think I left a relevent comment on your FB page about it…I enjoyed it and could see you had a wonderful visit;-) Did you get my FB message the other day, telling you that I couldn’t leave you a comment?

  6. This is really good advice… thank you! YES, I last checked on the tempature at bedtime ( 10 am.) and by sunrise ( 7 am) the next morning the damage had been done. My engineer hubby is working on another solution as well and I will keep you posted on my blog with updates! THANK YOU for helping me with my new blog set up. You were the only one to tell me that my ‘comment’ setting needed updated. 43 people had viewed the page yesterday. THANK YOU dear!

  7. Bren the miltonias in this photo are wonderful – I too have found that Basil is so tempermental and its best to start it later in the season. We don’t have a greenhouse but we still have a little alarm system to let us know when the temperature gets below freezing – its handy for me in late spring when I am hardening off my seedlings.

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Bren Haas
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