
Spent the morning out under the crabapple tree with my pup Olivia.  I had to take photos to share with you the experience.  The bees love the bloom and the wind was lightly blowing through filling the garden with an amazing floral scent.  This tree was on our property when we purchased it back in 2003 and we enjoy its amazing blooms every spring.  Great memories of watching the kids walk down to the bus stop including the year they were in Junior High and I was ‘forbidden’ to walk with them to the stop.  I stood under the tree and took photos of mybig kids’ in their last days of school.

Grow Your Own Crabapple Tree

Here are a few of my favorite photos of this tree. I can’t take credit for growing this one because it was here when we moved in.  The original owner of the property told me she and her husband planted this tree in the late 70’s.

Trees are a great investment.  When planting this variety be sure to stop out at your local garden center to see what they have in stock.  Also, keep in mind this tree needs 15-20 feet of space in full sun to grow.

I recommend you check out this article from the Colorado State Extension office: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/garden/07424.html

Let’s Connect

I would love to hear from you and if you grow this spectacular tree.  Please consider reaching out to me on my website.

Happy Spring Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
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