
Baltimore OrielIn this post I share how I welcome the Baltimore Oriole in my home garden.  You will see video, images and grab some links to great products Bren recommends.

The Baltimore Oriole In My Home Garden

The key to inviting these birds to your home garden is to provide a place they will love.  Shelter from preditors and weather is always good.  Trees and shrubs in your home garden will provide that naturally.  Having a food source out as the bird migrates back to the north is essential.  Get that ORANGE treats outside as soon as you can so they will quickly become guests for the season.  In the video below I share the treats and a neat Oriole feeder that the birds LOVE in my home garden.

This video is on my Bren Haas YouTube channel.

Get your Jelly Feeder using my Amazon Affiliate Link!

Oriole and Orange

bird eating oranges

What is the deal with that bird and Orange? Expert bird fans say that timing and patience are important when attracting orioles. If their supplies are not available when birds first move into your area in spring, then you may not be able to attract them all summer. Place your feeders out where birds can see them early.

Researches To Find Out More  I encourage you to check out your local extension office for more details on what birds can be found in your garden. Simply search your state extension office for Baltimore Orioles.

Bren Recommends

In this post I share a few products that I have had success with welcoming the Baltimore Oriole to my home garden.  If you have additional thoughts and ideas please be sure to comment on my post.   I would love to hear what you do to keep the birds happy in your home garden.

Get your Jelly Feeder using my Amazon Affiliate Link!


How to Make Your Own Hummingbird Food Recipe

The Baltimore Oriole In My Home Garden

Let’s Connect

In closing, I want to thank you for checking out my blog post. I really hope you are inspired to put some oranges out for these amazing birds.  In the future I hope to share more tips and tricks like this one with you.  Be sure to subscribe to my network for updates.

Happy Gardening with Wildlife,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
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