
Today in Ohio, the wind is blowing fiercely, making it an ideal opportunity to appreciate the vibrant blooms inside the dome. Join me in my 20-foot geodesic biodome as we take refuge from the wind and bask in the summer-like warmth. My viewers will not only enjoy a stunning flower showcase but also pick up some helpful tips for year-round gardening.

Windy Bloom Day in The Dome

In today’s vlog, I aim to provide my viewers with an insightful glimpse into life inside the dome. This marks my ninth year cultivating in this space year-round, and I feel more confident than ever. The plants I’ve introduced for the winter are thriving beautifully. Be sure to check out the video below, showcasing some of the blooms from today’s windy share.


I hope you enjoy the AD FREE video on my website.  You can follow me on YouTube at Bren Haas.  A complete list of my dome shares can be found on my website blog.  

Windy Bloom Day in the Geodesic Dome Highlights

My favorite part of blog posts are the photos!!!  Below are a few of the plants blooming that I highlighted in todays vlog.  Be sure to click on each to see up-close information. 

Exciting new YELLOW BLOOMS from the summer garden are now lighting up the dome with blooms.  Above is the new Gold Leopard Canna and Yellow Mandvilla.  

Many of my peppers I started from seed are continuing to bloom and grow in the dome.  Here are two of my favorite this year. (above)

The plants that spend the winter in the dome include the large lantana containers with a few different tropic hibiscus.   The scent of the lantana can be enjoyed all winter and spring until the flowers start blooming outdoors.  

What an exciting adventure this is… I hope you continue to follow my shares about growing year-round in this 20 foot geodesic bio dome by bookmarking my site! 

Let’s Connect

In conclusion, I welcome your feedback in the comments section below. Your thoughts and insights are greatly appreciated.  I look forward to sharing more from the dome with you soon.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas Website

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
Join Me and Oliver in The Garden
raised bed with greenhouse
Edible Gardening Ideas
dome garden in winter woods
Growing Year-Round in Ohio

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