
Beautiful day in May means it is garden time.  In today’s live stream we cover Tomato Starters, Tea Tree and Roses GardenChat Live

Tomato Starters, Tea Tree and Roses GardenChat Live

Streaming live in the 20-foot geodesic biodome on this beautiful day in May.   Find out more about the dome on this website.

The uncut version of this video was a live stream on the Facebook GardenChat group.  The edited version is on Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  If you are on YouTube I’d love your support so please subscribe.


In the post I had to narrow down to just a few topics to cover and I still went over 15 minutes gabbing.  Didn’t I say I could stream all day sharing about gardening! Below I have a few of the main topics highlights.


Puppy in the Dome helping with Tomato Plants
Oliver wasn’t with me while live – but he sure does love helping!

Tomato starters are doing amazing in the dome this year.  I’ve got so many I hope I find enough homes for all of them.  In the video I share how it is important to give those tomato babies room to grow meaning pot them in a container that the roots can grow deep.  A few tips I shared today are listed below:

  1. Give the tomato starter enough space to grow strong roots.  I love those Jiffy type pots that break down in the soil nice letting the roots climb out.
  2. Water from the bottom meaning I sit my containers in a tray that is hole-free. I had water to the bottom as high as I need to go so that the roots are getting a drink.
  3. Keep those tomato babies warm as they grow.  Mine will be in the dome which average about 80*F during daylight until they get put in the garden outside in late May.

I share more about the Tomato Seed Starters on my site including videos at Bren Haas Tomato Plants.

Rose Containers

roses in the dome garden

I’ve been growing roses in containers since my ‘bouquet rose’ share back in 2013.   Today I grow a 1/2 dozen in the dome year-round.

My Bouquet Rose in Container

Growing a My Boutique Container Rose

Sometimes the most memorable surprises are found in the most unusual places. In today’s post, I share growing a My Boutique Container Rose. My Bouquet Rose The solid yellow bloom of this My Boutique Rose is one of those surprises like many of the other barefoot roses I found this

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I hope to share details about my containers in the controlled garden space soon.  Look for a dome update soon! 

Let’s Connect

As mentioned in the video you are invited to join the GardenChat group.  Check out details and direct link to this group on GardenChat Page.  I look forward to hearing from you so please be sure to share a comment below if you caught this video live.  If you would like to learn more about this and topics covered reach out anytime.  I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Let’s Grow Something,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
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raised bed with greenhouse
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