Bren Haas Website

The Violet’s Pride Rose Shrub In My Home Garden

violet pride rose shrub

In this post I share the outstanding Floribunda rose called Violet’s Pride Rose introduced by Weeks Roses in 2017.  This rose blooms all spring until late autumn hard frost on my garden.  Check out video and images of the last harvest in this post.

Violet’s Pride Rose Shrub

Every time I watch this last video capture of this amazing Rose shrub in my back garden I can’t wait to go harvest more!  The blooms are beautiful with a light scent.  One rose may last way over 2 weeks indoors out of direct sunshine.  This year I was lucky and we were able to get an extra harvest due to mild weather.  The rose buds that were lower on the shrub that stands about 4 feet tall were protected from a mild frost.  Check out the video and tell me what you think of this shrub.

The video feature on this page is from my Bren Haas Channel.  Please scroll down to the bottom of the page to comment.

Violet’s Pride Rose Images

Violet’s Pride Rose Shrub

These are a few of the images from the last harvest.  I couldn’t believe how soft of a fragrant the rose put off so late in the season.  This rose shrub is a floribunda meaning it is a cross between polyantha species roses and hybrid teas. This variety is  combining hardiness, free flowering, and showy, usually fragrant blooms.  The Violet’s Pride Rose is super easy to grow and harvest from.  All I do is mulch each spring and enjoy bouquets indoors all season long.

Get Yours On Amazon Today at: https://amzn.to/3HcKixs

More Roses

Below you will find a list of blog post I put together featuring more roses I recommend.  Click on each and be sure to share on the social media provided.

Thanks for checking out my website today!

Let’s Connect

In conclusion of reading this blog post I would love for you to leave a comment.  Do you grow this rose in your home garden?

Happy Rose Gardening,

Bren Haas

2 Responses

  1. So is the title of the rose “Violets Pride”?. Or is that the brand name? And where did you purchase please?

    1. Hey Ann – thank you for asking about the Violets Rose Shrub. It was intoduced by Weeks Roses in 2017. Recently I found it available in the Heirloom Rose shop on Amazon at: https://amzn.to/3HcKixs

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