For some it maybe hard to understand why anyone would want to grow in a geodesic dome during the summer. In this post I share a video, images and my top reasons summer can be amazing in a 20′ geodesic bio dome.
Summer In The 20′ Geodesic Bio Dome Video
As each season passes it is a new adventure learning what varieites of plants will do well in this growing space. Perhaps one of my least favorite times of the year in the beginning was summer in the dome. After just a few seasons in the 20′ geodesic bio dome I’ve quickly became a huge fan of the hot season under cover. In the video below you will see an update on what it is like in the 20′ geodesic bio dome during the summer. Click Below to see the vlog.
This video was fun to make. I personally can’t believe it is already summer 2020. I turned 50 years old this year and everything went crazy except in my garden.
This video is on Bren Haas YouTube Channel. Let me know if you have a hard time viewing the images or videos on this page.
Highlights From Summer in the Dome
Each year my unique collection of plants just keeps in changing thanks to the dome greenhouse. Once you learn the zones in this space it gets easier and more exciting. Here are a few images from the dome garden today. Be sure to click on each to find out more. I am just adding a few from today because most are featured in the video.

Learn more about my 20′ geodesic biodome I’ve been growing in since Autumn 2015. Follow this link!
Let’s Connect
Thanks for joining me in the dome today. Please be sure to comment and tell me if you grow year-round. I’d love to hear about what you would like me to share with you from the dome so connect with me soon.
Happy Summer,