Bren Haas Website

Bren Haas Show

Welcome to my Bren Haas Show Page.  I put together videos featuring creative living and growing ideas.  Please be sure to subscribe to my Newsletter to find out when new episodes go live.  You can also join in the conversation on my GardenChat networking.  Be sure to direct any questions or comments to me on this page. 

A List of Presentations are Listed Below! 

Dome Update for April 2024

April Geodesic Bio Dome Update Vlog

It’s a bustling time of the year, courtesy of the wonderful weather we’ve been experiencing in Ohio. This blog post features a personal vlog and several photos showcasing the happenings inside the dome. Check out the April Geodesic Bio Dome Update here and don’t forget to scroll down for additional content.

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Tree Pickup

Tree Sale | Pickup and Planting Tips

Tree Sale pickup is happening today, and I want to share some planting tips that can help you save money. Check out the video in this post to see what to expect when picking up trees from a sale. I’m thrilled to introduce the new tree and shrub varieties I’m planting in my Ohio garden today.

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Let’s Connect

I would love to hear from you so be sure to reach out to me by filling out a form on my contact page.   Questions and comments are welcome so be sure to check it out. 

See You Soon,

Bren Haas

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