Bren Haas Website

Rosa Don Juan Climbing Rose

In this post I highlight the Rosa Don Juan Climbing Rose Shrub growing in my home garden.  View a creative video featuring this climbing rose and unique images.  This content is to help you better grow your own roses in your home garden.

Rosa Don Juan Climbing Rose Video

In the video feature here on this post I share some fun facts about the Rosa Don Juan growing in my home garden.  You will see how the plant grows in the recommended location along with other shrubs to grow with.  Be sure to check out the video below.

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If you enjoy this video be sure to follow my Bren Haas Channel that is embedded from YouTube.  Connect with me if you have comments or concerns on this website.

Rosa Don Juan Additional Facts

I’ve been growing successfully in zone 5b Ohio since 2008.    This rose grows best in the medium moist – well drained soil that gets full sun.  I have this rose climbing loosely facing the southeast of my porch so we can enjoy its beautiful dark foliage and red blooms.  The blooms ARE NOT fragrant but very attractive and easy to take care of.   This rose is grown organically with a nice compost added each spring and routine spraying of a soap solution for bugs.  The climbing does get hit with black spot but it is easy to remove the old leaves to promote new healthy growth.USDA Hardiness Zone Fun Facts

To find out more about this shrub check out my website at BrenHaas.com add Don Juan to the search bar to see a detailed post.  

More Fun Landscape Ideas

In the post links below you will find more  creative landscape ideas I personally recommend.

Thank you for stopping by my website today!


4 Responses

  1. Hey, came here for the detailed post and got the exact same content as the video…

    1. Thanks for stopping by my site Tommi. What were you hoping to find? I shared images and details on how I grow the rose. It really is an amazing and super easy rose to grow once it gets established.

    1. I am not sure what you mean by its own root. To be honest with you I’ve not been happy with my Don Juan Rose climber as it has aged. I put a white Mandeville climber up against the trellis on the porch side to enjoy all summer long. I move that container with that vine into my greenhouse dome for the winter because they will not survive the winter in Ohio. It is worth the little extra work and I am able to enjoy those blooms year-round essentially. I did a blog post about my White Mandeville Climber on my blog if you want to take a look! Link: https://brenhaas.com/?s=Mandeville
      Here is a photo of the white climber on the front porch: white accent on front porch

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