In this post, I share with you a super successful shipment of shrubs. YES – it’s hard to believe these came by mail. I’ll show you how with photos and video in this post.
Shipping Shrubs the Successful Way!
I had just got back from Walmart when the package arrived. Amazing to see the plants that had been shipped to my home out in the country looked better than some plants on the shelf at a store. Watch the video.. and you be the judge!
Find this video on my YouTube channel at Creative Living with Bren Haas.
Photo Collection
Here are some of the photos I snapped while opening the confers. There were 4 almost 3 feet tall shrubs in this box! Click through the photo collection and tell me what you think. NEED MORE DETAILS – just reach out to me and I’ll see what I can do.
These photos of the shrubs being shipped are on my Flickr Account. Click over and follow me if you are a member.
Puppy Approved
We had so much fun opening these shrubs. Can you believe there were 4 large shrubs in this box? Find out more about the plants by following my shares on social and of course my Newsletter.
This was A+ shipping .. .and trust me… I’ve had tons shipped to me over the past 10 years of my blogging career!
Let’s Connect
So what did you think of this post? If you have received a shipment of plants and they were a mess I’d love it if you shared this post with them. Be sure to reach out to me on my contact page and of course comments on this post are welcome.
Happy Buying Plants!