Bren Haas Website

How I Pollinate My Pomegranate Tree In The Dome

bren in the dome paintingIn this post I share a short video featuring how I pollinate my pomegranate tree in the dome. The video is quick and was live on YouTube. Photos and other notes about the plant are on this post.

How I Pollinate My Pomegranate Tree in the Dome

What a day…. super excited to find over 24 blooms on the Red Angel Pomegranate I have been growing in my dome since 2016.  In this video that was live on YouTube I share how I will pollinate.  FINGERS CROSSED that we get a big harvest this year.

This video was before I did some research on the Red Angel Pomegranate. 

Fun Facts About Pomegranate

red angel pomegranate bloom

The Red Angel Pomegranate tree likes 45*F temperatures to produce fruit.  The plant is self-fertile and will self pollinate.  This plant thrives in hardiness zones 8-10.

I share a few recipes using the Pomegranate I grow in my dome on my website.  The plant has less pulp and higher juice content than any other selection. Best of all, the seeds are soft enough to be eaten!  Not to mention, look at that beautiful plant.  The Red Angel Pomegranate is one of the first trees in my dome to get its amazing green foliage.  Shortly after the green arrives blooms start to appear.  This is why the plant is totally at the top of my MUST HAVE’s for all who have a small space for container gardening in full sun.  In the north (like me) you can grow this variety in a greenhouse or on your porch moving it into the house before a hard frost.

bren in the dome painting

Live In The Dome Garden

Here is another live stream early in the season.  This plant has been blooming since early April in the Dome Garden.  Don’t miss a share.. check out my GardenChat Group!

This video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.

Let’s Connect

I can’t wait to share with you what the harvest will be like.  Be sure to comment on my post and tell me what you think about growing your own pomegranate.  I highly recommend this variety so be sure to reach out to your local garden center or Monrovia.com to get one for your garden.

Happy Growing,


Bren Haas


2 Responses

  1. Checking out your page. Everything looks so green…lol

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