First Lady Hollywood Hibiscus

In this post I am sharing the new tropical hibiscus plants order from J.Berry Nursery.  In this post see my Hollywood Hibiscus Order From J.Berry Nursery.  You will see how the plant was delivered right to my front door in just a few days after ordering.  Find the complete review including video here.

Hollywood Hibiscus Order From J.Berry Nursery

Honestly, I was not expecting such a gorgeous plant to come in just a few days.  First off I want you to know that I am not new to growing tropical hibiscus. This variety has got to be one of the easiest to grow in most any home and garden.  Scroll down to the bottom of this post to see Tropical Hibiscus growing tips.

This video is part of my Bren Haas Channel.  Find more videos and other reviews on my website.

Hollywood Hibiscus Arrives

I want to show you a few photos of how the plant arrived right at my front door.  It is equally important to note that hibiscus are really one of the easiest plants to ship most anytime of the year as long as the plant doesn’t sit too long in extreme cold temperatures.   Lastly, I can’t stress enough how IMPRESSED I am with the quality of this plant that came from the J. Berry Nursery.

Hollywood Hibiscus Growing Tips

Since Tropical Hibiscus are one of the easiest plants to grow in most any home garden there are only a few tips to remember.  The Hollywood Hibiscus or Tropical Hibiscus blooms are similar to the perennial hibiscus.  Both plants are in the same family but grow in different zones.  This variety you will want to protect from frost because it will not survive a night below 32*F.


My Hollywood Hibiscus | J.Berry Nursery

The Hollywood Hibiscus loves sunshine during the summer months.   You will want to grow this plant in a container or directly in the landscape to enjoy maximum blooms in my zone 5b hardiness zone.  Do not forget to move the plant indoors before frost.


First Lady Hollywood Hibiscus

The roots on this plant do not like to be wet but are very forgiving if you let get to dry during the summer months.  Just give the plant a good drink and feed it with 5-4-6 tropical plant fertilizer.  I usually end up watering mine during the summer with the other annuals and a basic plant food once a month.

Order yours today at https://www.jberrynursery.com/


Let’s Connect

In conclusion to checking out my Hollywood Hibiscus by J.Berry Nursery order review I want to hear from you.  Be sure to comment on this post letting me know if you have one of these beautiful plants.  I hope you enjoy my video and realize I am sharing this so you can have some TROPICAL sunshine in your home and garden this time of year.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

One Response

  1. Hi Bren, thank you for posting this info on the Hollywood Hibiscus. It’s encouraging tom hear good news about receiving plants that are boxed.

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Bren Haas
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