Bren Haas Website

Season Harvest Cannelloni and Green Bean Salad Recipe

In this post, I share one of my favorite bean salads I make during the summer months when beans are fresh. My Season Harvest Cannelloni and Green Bean Salad Recipe is one you will want to copy and use season after season.

Cannellini and Green Bean Salad Recipe

cannellini and green bean salad

At first sight, I thought the white bean was a kidney bean.  Mixed with fresh green beans and yummy red onions.  What as this buttery flavored bean and can I grow it?!  In this post, I share one of my favorite bean salads I make mostly during the summer months when beans are fresh.  However, this dish is excellent if you can get your hands on some preserved green beans and cannellini beans anytime.  Check out the bottom for tips on growing beans in your home garden.

Yum salad image from my trip to Germany! I first had this recipe in a small Italian restaurant in Munich Germany.  It was amazing!

Growing Beans in Your Home Garden

cannellini bean seeds

I’ve been growing beans in my home garden for many years. I remember harvesting them as a child in my parent’s garden as well.  Today we are so lucky to have so many different varieties of beans available for us to grow in our home gardens.  It wasn’t until 2016 when I discovered the Cannellini beans so I really am not sure how long the seed has been available for the home gardener.  Here is the link to amazon where you can purchase the beans or ask your local garden center.  beans are super easy to grow because there aren’t many bugs that attack the harvest and they have short germination period.

Let’s Connect

What are you growing that you can’t want to add to a recipe? I’d love to hear from you so please comment below so we can connect and swap recipes.

Happy Cooking up the Garden,



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