Bren Haas Website

Excited to Grow During The Winter In My Home Greenhouse

Norther Lights Greenhouse
Wait Until You See Inside!

If you grow out of season you will have a sense of peace year-round no matter what comes your way.  In this post I share how  exciting it is to grow during the winter months in a 10×12 greenhouse.    These are my personal notes about my Northern Lights Greenhouse.

Excited To Grow

Today’s share is an image of me in my greenhouse this evening.  My hubby sneaked up on me to see what all the ‘matter’ was in the Christmas decorated growing space in our winter garden.   This time of year you will find the radio playing 24 / 7.  Christmas music unto the New Year to brighten my day and keep critters away.  I find tracks from the deer and raccoons that are usually 10 – 20 feet away from the greenhouse landscape garden on a daily basis.  I can’t imagine if one of those critters came walking into the growing area. that would NOT be good.

Bren Haas Greenhouse
in 2010 Growing in Winter Season

THE HUGE ‘cheese-head’ smile on my face is because some of the seeds I started just a few days ago have been soaking up the minimal sunshine we have received.  It has been gloomy, average temperatures in the low 30*s and little sunshine in my neck of the woods this past week.

What is the Excitement All About

New Seeds at Christmas
New Sprouts for Cool Season Edibles

With a freshly picked Tiny-Tom Tomato in my mouth and the carrots, radishes, and lettuce all sprouting  I SAY bring on the SNOW that is in our forecast this Sunday!  Nothing beats being able to bring the harvest indoors to enjoy for a few extra weeks.

IF you would like to read more about my greenhouse please check out this link : Brens Greenhouse.    I PROMISE to get this years new photos on the greenhouse resource page by NEW YEARS EVE!~     I share this information with you to promote GROWING year-round.  IF this Mommy from the Heartland can do it… so can you!

Geranium Leaves

New Heater in The Greenhouse

This is winter in my neck of the woods.  The snow is falling almost daily and the critters are outside looking for food.  The greenhouse provides a safe place to grow no matter what the outside conditions may send your way.   In the video below I share the new heater my husband installed in the 10×12 greenhouse.  Please let this video inspire you and forgive me for the poor quality.  The video was created in 2010 with an old camera.

Video on my Bren Haas Garden Channel.You can find more about my Greenhouse playlist on my website at BrenHaas.com

This post is from 2010 in a 10’x12′ Northern Lights Greenhouse.  If you would like to find out more about this greenhouse and other ways to grow out of season check out the latest on my website. 

Let’s Connect

I am excited to connect with you so please leave a comment below or reach out to me on my About Page.  I can’t wait to share more about my growing year-round adventures with you.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

15 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for helping us out up at the greenhouse. I love your energy and your passion to show others who to garden. Kelly is going to try that recipe you were talking about so I hope you add it to your beautiful website.

    1. ANYTIME DAN…. you call and I’ll be out to help. I am hoping to get some of those cookies made this week with my family and I will share those images with recipe on this site. I will also email Kel the recipe tonight.
      Thanks for all the fun today – keep on growing!

  2. There’s just something about the look of a gardener in their greenhouse…I know, the look of total contentment 🙂 Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

    1. I’m loving HOW QUICK those little seedlings popped up! Thank you for stopping by my ‘greenhouse’!

    1. IF I CAN DO IT….. you can too!!!! Seriously – I’m not a master gardener I just love to play in the dirt.

    1. Thank you Susan…. I’m starting to think I enjoy growing even more so in the Winter as opposed to the summer. The thrill of doing things different from everyone in my neck of the woods and ‘out-smarting’ mother nature by continuing to grow while the gardens outside are covered with snow! 🙂

  3. love it ladybug! I love to read your writings…you certainly are lacking nothing in the talent department…you grow, write and your photos are always fantastic!
    I hope to have myself a schedule this week…it seems the world figures I am a free agent that has nothing better to do than to run to the beck and call of the whole lot! lol
    I am burnt out!

    1. My greenhouse shares ALL STARTED with you Tootsie! Thank you for always inspiring and encouraging me to keep on growing! ((HUGS))

  4. I hope you will help me with my construction next spring . After all you are who inspired me to get the frame and some super amazing plastic. Your cute little green seedlings are totally something to smile about.

    Thanks Friend!

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