
Beautiful Spring early afternoon in my garden was I sit weeding some of my raised beds preparing them for the veggies to go in soon after frost date of May 15 I could hear a loud buzzing. About 3 feet from me a fuzzy bumble bee was going to town on the new blooms of the dandelion ‘weed’.  The little bee really got me thinking about the removing dandelion weeds … why would I want to take that away from the little fellow?  Am I crazy????


Favorite Tweets About Dandelions
So excited to see the little fuzzy bee enjoying the day that I had to share it on social media.

I also found a great post on Preparedness Mama mentioning others who let the dandelions grow in their garden. Do you let dandelions grow in your garden?. In this article Preperedness Mama shares “When roasted, dandelion root has a very earthy flavor that is quite similar to coffee.” I hope you click on the link and try her recipe – I know I will be experimenting with this because I LOVE coffee!  Who doesn’t love coffee?

I hope this share gets you thinking different about ‘weeds’. Let’s connect – leave me a comment so I can stop by your website.
Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

One response to “Rethink Weeds with Dandelions and Bees”

  1. We let them grow anywhere they can… even in the garden beds. Mostly the ones that grow in garden beds we harvest for food or tea, while the rest we try to leave blooming for the bees. So far this year we’ve made roasted dandelion coffee (LOVE!), salads from leaves, sun tea and brewed tea from all parts, and fried dandelion flowers. Tons of recipes out there for dandelions, and they are so good for you.

    Thanks for the mention!

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Bren Haas
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