Bren Haas Website

Cooper’s Hawk In My Backyard

What a surprise to find this amazing bird family only feet from my front door.  The birds have returned to a nest that was up in the oak tree.  Judging by their appearance I am very sure they are Cooper’s Hawk.  Check out the video and images in this post and you decide.

Cooper’s Hawk In My Backyard Video

This video is from my iphone 11.  I hope to capture the birds with my Sony 4K video camera at some point.  Watch close as the birds are hiding in the Oak tree.  After filming this I went out to the garden and took some still photos that you will find later in this post.

Play Video about Cooper's Hawk Video

This video can be found on my Bren Haas video Channel.

In the days to come I hope to get closer with my Sony video recorder rather then the iPhone that captured this video.  I think they maybe getting use to me walking over to the far cut flower garden to take a look at them.  I still can’t believe they are back in my home garden after first sighting in 2019.

More About Wildlife on My Website

Due to the fact that I live out in the country and near a water source for many wildlife we view a few interesting critters.  Most of the wildlife I’ve added to my website can be found under the ‘wildlife’ tag.   I hope you check out my post and tell me what you think by commenting on each.  I hope the Cooper’s Hawk Family returns next year.

Images Of The Cooper’s Hawk Family

Young Cooper's Hawk

Analyzing the Cooper’s Hawk and a Sharp Shinned Hawk I notice many similarities.  At first I really thought it was the Prairie Falcon but later found that that species is not in my part of the country.   Check out the photos I took below and you tell me!

Cooper's Hawk in the Oak Tree

Let’s Connect

Thank you for stopping by my website today.  I’ve had a lot of fun trying to figure out what this bird maybe.  I am still convinced it is The Cooper’s Hawk so be sure to comment with your thoughts.

Get out and Enjoy Wildlife,

Bren Haas

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