Bren Haas Website

Bauer Oakleaf Lettuce in Hydroponics

Week 7 Bauer Oakleaf
Image of Bauer Oakleaf Lettuce in Week 7

The Bauer Lettuce variety is an All America Selects 2022 Winner and I am thrilled to be trialing this seed in my Hydroponics.  In this post you will find my videos (VLOGS) with image about this variety of oakleaf lettuce.  Be sure to scroll down and see my results growing this indoors during the winter season.

Bauer Lettuce in Hydroponics VLOG

Check out what I have growing in my home office!  This has been a very successful season growing hydroponics indoors and this variety is leading the way.  In the vlog feature below I share my experience with the Bauer Lettuce variety growing in Hydroponics.  SHOUT OUT – it is an AAS winner and this is why:

Find this video on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  For quicker response be sure to comment on my website posts.  All videos can be found on my blog under the video tag!

More About Bauer Lettuce Variety

First I want to note that they seed was sent to me to review by AAS.  As always I am sharing my personal experience with this variety to help others grow successfully.  Oakleaf lettuce is a tasty and versatile edible that grows fast in the right environment.  Over the past seasons I have great experience growing different types of lettuce in the hydroponics during the winter season.  The Bauer can be harvest at early stage or let grow into a beautiful rosette mound.  Unlike a few of the other oakleaf varieties I have experimented with this variety has a nicely uniform compact size. 

The plant can be grown in the ground and containers like  window boxes. The dense heads produce a plethora of sweet, crisp sturdy leaves that allows you to cut and grow more!  Taco Tuesday will never be the same after you try this on top!

Bren Haas Hydroponics

The plant can be grown in the ground and containers like  window boxes. The dense heads produce a plethora of sweet, crisp sturdy leaves that allows you to cut and grow more!  Taco Tuesday will never be the same after you try this on top!

You can find this variety online at Johnny Seeds, Parks Seed and Territorial Seed Company.

57  Days Later 

This is what the beautiful plant looks like now in my same set up.  I have been harvesting off of the outer base of plant for at least 3 weeks. 

I give this seed grown in AeroGarden Hydroponics a 5 STAR!   Here are a few of the latest photos.

Wait until you see the salad we made with a small harvest tonight! 


Let’s Connect

In conclusion to checking out my Bauer Lettuce in Hydroponic vlog it is an honor to have you comment.  Scroll down below and let me know what you think of this post.  If you have questions I would love to connect with you.

Happy Indoor Gardening,

Bren Haas

2 Responses

    1. I can’t wait to try growing it in the raised bed this spring. Our last frost date is May 15 so it will be a few months. Thank goodness for hydroponics indoors.

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