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4 Step to Use Horticulture Therapy For a Stress Free Life

In this post I share 4 steps to make this new year stress free.  You will find information on how to use horticulture therapy along with easy ways to use it daily.  Don’t miss the link to the official Horticulture Therapy Handbook.

About Horticulture Therapy

Have you ever met a person who enjoys tinkering outdoors or gardening that was grumpy.  OK, I will admit that I have met a few folks who claim to be ‘grumpy gardeners’ but they really weren’t once you get to know them. Gardening will make you happy!  I believe from personal experience that horticulture provides healing powers naturally. As far back as the19th century, the positive effect working in the garden and it’s effect on individuals with mental illness was recognized.  There hasn’t been a day I’ve walked out to my dome or greenhouse and didn’t find peace.

Horticulture therapy is the use of plants and the natural world to improve the social, spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals who participate in it.

4 Steps TO Use Horticulture Therapy

Below are 4 steps that use horticulture therapy.  Be sure to check out the reference links below for more details.

  1. Check your local botanical garden for resources. For example, many Botanic Garden have an entire department dedicated to this topic. This is a good way to learn more, get involved, and check for volunteer opportunities.
  2. Research the topic.  I have learned alot on this topic from the free booklet available at the Horticulture Therapy Association Website.
  3. Get out in the garden!  Start checking out simple projects you can do in your home and garden that involves growing something.  I share lots of fun gardening projects for all ages year-round on my website. 
  4. Volunteer in a community garden. Many neighborhoods have community gardens that raise awareness about the environment, support efforts to feed hungry people, or host programs that help troubled youth. Is there one near you? If you don’t live near a community garden, maybe their is an opportunity to start one of your own.  Choose a cause you want to focus on, like giving other-abled residents the chance to grow vegetables, and start making a difference.

Let’s Connect

Do you already practice this healing art? As I noted above, I am not a certified horticulture therapist but I would love to share what I know with you.  Be sure to comment on this post or connect on my website.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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