New Dome Gardening

In this post I share a very happy start to the new year in the Geodesic Bio Dome.  Wait until you see the new plants that are blooming and all the sunshine.  It is hard to believe it was the coldest day in the new winter season.

New Year in the  Geodesic Bio Dome Video

Crunchy Snow

Join me ( Bren Haas) in the garden as we explore what is going on in the new year.  The walk to the dome was crunchy and the sunshine is heating things up.  Hard to believe it was a cold 12* F earlier in the day.  The Dome got up to 70*F thanks to all the sunshine and passive heat sources inside.  Be sure to watch the video and check out the images below.

This video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  If you are having issues viewing it or would like to learn more reach out to me on my website.

New Year in The Geodesic Bio Dome Images

I could talk all day and night about what is going on in this structure we built in 2015.  Today it was my pleasure to share with you all the magic that goes on in there during the winter months in Ohio.  Below are a few of the images from the geodesic bio dome I took while video with this blog post in mind.  Be sure to click through each and check out my personal notes.

Christmas Cactus | Schlumbergeras

white / pink cactus

More about the Christmas Cactus or Schlumbergeras on my website here!

Paperwhites | Narcissus papyraceus

I share many post and images about easy to force indoor bulbs like paperwhites on my website.

January Color

Temp Stick Reading

This is a little ‘plug’ for the Temp Stick device I use to monitor temperature and humidly in my dome.  You can find this on Amazon and please consider using THIS LINK.  I get a small portion of that sale. 

Bren Haas in the January Dome

Thank you for checking out my website featuring the dome garden today.  I hope you consider subscribing to find out more!

Let’s Connect

Its going to be an exciting 2022!  We have the new supplies stacked and ready to go for the new goedesic bio dome construction this spring.  You won’t want to miss all the fun details on how to make this dream a reality for you.  Be sure to comment on this post and follow my website.

Happy New Year Gardening,

Bren Haas Website

4 responses to “New Year in the Geodesic Bio Dome”

  1. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting Nicki! Happy New Year.

  2. So fun seeing your dome plants. Wonderful Christmas cacti. It all looks so good.

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
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raised bed with greenhouse
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dome garden in winter woods
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