Bren Haas Website

Landscape Tips For A Warm Day in March

When it hits 70*f in early March we are truly blessed.  This really is a day to relax and ENJOY the weather because there isn’t much you can do.  It is super tempting to get in there and clean some beds: at least the beds you can walk in.  In todays post I share a video and landscape tips for a warm day in early March.

Landscape tips for A Warm Day in Early March

I am really horrible with titles for my videos.  Everyone loves using ‘click’ bate words so I hope I didn’t mislead you with my video title today.  I basically walk about the landscape along the house driveway area. Prune back the Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas and Bloomerang Lilac because they were left in Autumn.  In the video check out the details because then the title will make sense:

Play Video about Warm Day in March - Video Clip

This video is on my Bren Haas Video Channel.  Be sure to click over and check it out.  Don’t be shy and leave a comment by scrolling down to the bottom of this post.

Warm Day in Late Winter Landscape Tips

Landscape March Art

Spring is quickly approaching, this is true.  However, spring isn’t officially here until March 21.  If you are curious exactly how many more days (and minutes) are left you can click over to my front page to see the count down.  Below are a tips along with creative images with landscape tips for today.

Golden Thread Cypress

  • Don’t walk in the lawn if it is too wet.
  • If you can safely remove trimmings and cuttings from ornamental grasses without damaging lawn – go for it!
  • Pick up falling branches from the property.
  • Prune back shrubs you left for winter interest like the Limelight and Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea.
  • Fruit trees can be pruned back and treat as need be.
  • spread some grass seed on bare spots in the lawn.

Selfie with Oliver

ENJOY THE DAY!!!!  It has been a long winter – all winters are long.  Get out and enjoy yourself.  We took the convertible out for a spin and enjoyed a meal cooked on the grill.

Let’s Connect

I hope you consider leaving a comment on my post.  I would love to hear about what you enjoy doing on a warm day in late winter.  There will be more shares on my site featuring some of the shrubs and other landscape interest in the days to come.

Happy (way to early) Spring,


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