How to Start Your Own Creative Website with Blog
I wish I would have known in 2006 when I first started my blog what I know today. I enjoy connecting QUICK with folks around the world which is what the internet provides so sharing content on social media was my priority. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my blog which was a free service provided by Google Blogger. I mainly used my blog as a show and tell for the things I created in my home garden. Below are a few key points I want to share with you to create your own website with blog.
What is a blog
A blog is an updated website which is typically created by an individual. There are many successful blogs created as a collaboration between a few content providers but are always informal or conversational style. A website does not have to cost a lot of money. Keeping your website basic without a lot of extras is the best way to grow.
So you say you want to start blogging? It is important to jot down a statement you can keep handing that helps you keep on target and focus on why you began your adventure in the first place. On a blog, this is called the ‘tagline’. If a tagline is non-existent, or a random statement, or vague, the reader won’t know if your site is for them. Confused visitors are often never coming back.
Why create a blog
For me, my blog is the place where my connections can come and find out more about what I am passionate about. My blog is a tool to show details about what I am working on that I can’t typically fit on a social media share.
#1 reason to create your own website or blog is because it is YOURS!
Where to Begin
Below are a few IMPORTANT points to keep in mind when creating your website. I could literally write a book on website development so keep in mind these points are to get you started quickly in your journey.
- Be creative when deciding on the name of your website. Make it unique and be sure it describes what you are writing about.
- Your website/blog name should be the same one you plan on using on all social media platforms. Use social media like a megaphone that draws visitors in for a long stay. Micro-blogging post will begin in your blog.
- Purchase your domain name from a reliable domain provider. I recommend for domain provider. I’ve been with them for over 8 years.
- WordPress is a blog and website content management system supported by GoDaddy and other domain providers. You will need to have an account with WordPress to start your blog. Visit the GoDaddy link provided to find out more.
Extra Tools For A Creative Website
- – a service that provides graphics used to promote your business.
- – a plugin for WordPress blogs that provide SEO services and help.
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