
A quick search online will show that the veggie broccoli is know as the worlds healthiest food.  I love broccoli cooking, baked and always fresh from the home garden.  One of the first veggies I’ve grown in my Geodesic Bio Dome is the variety Packman Broccoli.  In this post I share the benefits of growing and eating broccoli.

Benefits That Will Get You Growing Broccoli

Broccoli in late summer

Here are a few of the reasons I love growing broccoli in my dome greenhouse garden:

  • High in Fiber
  • Super easy to grow in cooler conditions year-round
  • Broccoli is also packed with phytochemicals and antioxidants
  • Zeaxanthin in broccoli is great for eye health
  • Broccoli is a beautiful plant
  • The entire plant including the stalk is edible

Cancer Fighting Broccoli 

Enjoying broccoli for its anticancer benefits?  Be sure not to cook the vegetable too long according to a 2007 University of Warwick study finding that boiling broccoli can undermine the effects of the food’s good, cancer-fighting enzymes.

Easy To Grow

The broccoli I have growing in my dome was donated to me by one of my favorite garden centers in NW Ohio. (Thank you Hoens Greenhouse  This past Spring I did grow the variety Artwork from seed indoors and brought them out to the veggie garden for the rabbits to enjoy.  Once I added some pinwheels and hot peppers next to a new batch of broccoli the critters stayed away.   Growing broccoli from seed is super easy as long as you have sunshine and keep the bunnies away from the garden.

Looking to start some broccoli from seed? I suggest visiting your local garden centers or click over to my shop to find more.

Allotment Challenge

One of my favorite Youtube gardening channels created by my friend Sarah The Gardener who grows in New Zealand.  Recently she nominated me for the Allotment Challenge series she put together.  In my video response answering her questions I feature my dome greenhouse broccoli. This is one of my first videos in the dome greenhouse.

Be sure to follow my adventures at Bren Haas YouTube Channel.

Thank you for stopping by my website today!

Let’s Connect

In conclusion I would love to connect with you so be sure to follow my updates on the blog for current decorating ideas and cooking fun.  I’d love to hear from you … are you sharing seasonal fun on your social media?  Be sure to leave your thoughts below so we can connect.

Be Creative,

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
Join Me and Oliver in The Garden
raised bed with greenhouse
Edible Gardening Ideas
dome garden in winter woods
Growing Year-Round in Ohio
Taco Soup Recipe
Taco Soup Recipe

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