The Oneida Greenhouse Project is a heartwarming initiative taken by Toledo Grows, an offshoot of Toledo Botanical Garden. It provides a platform for all ages, to work together towards a common goal of giving back to the community. In this post find a slide show and images from my tour of this project.
The Oneida Greenhouse Project Video
On a beautiful October day after a few days of frost, a friend of mine took me to visit a community garden. The garden was located in downtown Toledo Ohio. These are some of my favorite photos from this trip. Firstly, I hope you find them as inspiring as I do in your journey to create a growing space. If you are not a gardener it is refreshing to see a community come together creating something this useful. The project is situated in a once-vacant city lot, which has been transformed into a field of gold with lots of green.
This video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel. Please contact me if you are having issues viewing any of this content.
About The Oneida Greenhouse Project
The project is not just about growing fresh produce; it also teaches important values of recycling, reducing, and reusing. The young adults involved in this project come from diverse backgrounds, and many of them have been behind bars in the past. However, they’re now looking to make a positive difference instead of getting a handout.
On-site, a greenhouse is available where you can find fresh tilapia being raised. Rows of mixed greens can also be found outside, perfect for making a delicious salad. During my visit the outside gardens were in season (cool hardy) which was refreshing to see. Most gardens in the area had already been compost and put to rest for the growing season after a long summer. At any given time during my visit there were about 30 teens working hard on this project. They’re not just growing plants; they’re growing a sense of community, teamwork, and responsibility. The Oneida Greenhouse Project is a shining example of how a small idea can grow into something much bigger and beneficial for everyone involved.
click on each image for larger view.
Chickens, Turkeys and Bee Hives
Compost and Worm Castings
Inside the Hoop House
Little to no watering in the garden landscapes below.
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Let’s Connect
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Happy Gardening,