
Iceberg Rose on ClimberIt is important to me to have a Patriotic USA flag hanging on my home. In this post, I share my red, white, and garden and how you can put one together in your home garden.

Red, White and Blue Plants

In this post, I share the red, white, and blue plants that make up my theme garden.  It was kind of an accident how this area of landscape came together.  I think once you take a look at the outcome you will see why it is a favorite of mine.

I have replaced the white climber two times.  After losing my third climbing rose in this location I decided it was because of the variety.  The red carpet rose in this same garden does wonderfully with little to no maintenance. With a few basic rose care tips and adding the right variety, you can grow amazing roses.

Rose Garden Tips 

red rose in patriotic theme garden

  1. Cut back the roses and let rose hips form for winter.
  2. remove all dead leaves from the base of the plant.
  3. Apply mulch to protect the rose during the winter months.
  4. Think about spring-blooming bulbs you may want to grow around the rose because now is the time to plant.

Read more about my Red, White and Blue Garden . I love sharing my Red, White, and Blue Garden Update so be sure to subscribe to my site so you can read more about the rose I grow and information I find out from fellow rosarians.

Blue Ground Cover

blue ground cover in the red white and blue garden

I am a huge fan of this ceratostigma, or leadwort, plumbago. I have had this perennial growing in this location since 2008. The key to growing plumbago successfully is to leave it be in the spring until it starts to show some green.  Once the green starts to show you can get in there and prune back the dead from winter.  The old plant is easy to remove by hand.

White In The Garden

Perhaps the most fragrant addition to this garden was a moonflower vine that climbs the trellis.  The bloom can take a few months to finally arriving but the attractive vine and huge scented white blooms are well worth the wait.  The seeds I used were given to me so you can’t beat the price.  I will most likely grow this vine in the years to come only start indoors early so hopefully, the blooms come sooner.

Patriotic in the Garden

After the Iceberg Rose died I tried a few new climbers on this trellis theme garden.  The year I planted Moon Flowers was a fun learning experience.  You only need a few seeds to get a spectacular display of huge WHITE blooms.

This video is on my YouTube channel.

Photo Collection of Red, White, and Blue in The Garden

Moon Flower Vine Bloom

Just Can’t get enough.. more photos of the red, white, and
This collection is on my FLICKR PRO account.

Let’s Connect

I would love to hear about how you share your USA spirit in the garden.  Comment on this blog post or visit my contact page to share more.

In Memory of 911,


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Bren Haas
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