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Tall Peach Iris In My Home Garden

To be honest with you, I don’t remember having this variety of iris in my home garden.  This past week the tall peach bearded iris is blooming again.

Tall Peach Iris in My Home Garden

I am guessing I dug this up from my sister in laws house.   It is next to a beautiful blue bearded iris in the front sunroom garden.  Early in the season I removed the ivy from around the base of the tubers.  I was worried the ivy would choke the plant off and I would lose the blooms.  Actually, I think having the roots covered by the ivy made it bloom.  This tall peach iris had over a dozen bloom on about 5 fans or leaves.

peach iris

I took this photo with my Nikon this afternoon.  It was super fun exploring this iris variety.

About The Peach Bearded Iris

There are a few different varieties of this peach iris out there.  After searching on Google I was shocked to find so many.  I wonder if they all bloom early in the season like this one did.  Because of the random weather we’ve been having over the years I would recommend this to a garden that is in zones 5 or less.  The peach color doesn’t like the heat and humidity.  In autumn I am making notes to move this bearded iris to a spring shade location to see how the color of the bloom will respond.  Be sure to follow my blog to find out more about this peach iris. 

Thank you for checking out my website today! 


Let’s Connect

Thank you for checking out my website today.  I appreciate hearing from you if you don’t mind leaving a comment below.  Let me know if you grow iris in your home garden.  I will do my best to get back with you if you want to comment and leave your email.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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